Should I Stay or Should I Go?

It's a nice little office
It’s a nice little office

It’s a nice little office really, but I’ve spent the past 36 years in workplaces just like this – all quite nice, but am I happy and fulfilled? Not really! Words from the Clash song immediately come to mind – “Should I stay or should I go?”. Anne’s post has already answered that question. We have decided to run away together. Whilst it will be sad to leave the close friends I have made at work, a world of opportunity awaits….and let’s face it – its only for 6 months.

I’m Steve, a public servant and qualified accountant with an MBA in international business. Work is not my passion. Family, friends, cycling and music (I play sax and have a band) share that honour. I’m very excited about the adventure that’s in front of us and look forward to being part of the story we will share.

4 thoughts on “Should I Stay or Should I Go?

  1. Sue Low 15/01/2015 / 5:02 pm

    How envious of you both – you have life worked out well and are taking the time to savour its delights. A great inspiration to us all

    • Steve 15/01/2015 / 6:58 pm

      Thanks Sue – it certainly is time to savour the delights. Anne & I are giving it a red hot shot. We’ll only have ourselves to blame if we don’t.

  2. Phil 22/01/2015 / 8:59 pm

    Hey Steve and Anne…I am very envious, as no doubt are your other friends and readers. Anyway I will follow your adventures with interest and, all things being equal, about the time you get back I will be throwing off this current daily yoke for good. I don’t know if I ever told you that for quite a few years I had my own blog. I let it lapse some years ago about the time Facebook started ascending as the means for communicating. I’ll send you the details separately, it might provide you with a few laughs – or the opposite – in your idle moments if you have any. Bon voyage.

    • Steve 22/01/2015 / 10:12 pm

      Thanks Phil – the daily yoke can become a burden. Anne and I are hoping that our proactive approach to change through this adventure will re-focus us on the things that matter. Let’s stay in touch.

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