Women’s Work is Never Done

TableRecently we went to the launch of Be Enterprise, an innovative social enterprise program of Logan Women’s Health and Wellbeing Centre. The evening combined the launch of the program with a healthy amount of fund raising. The invitation to attend had been extended to me by Liz Irvine, Chair of the Board, and since I’d had a role in her being on the board in the first place it was an offer I really couldn’t refuse.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a women focused event and it was great to step outside my normal routine. I felt recharged after the night as I listened to women with conviction and passion speak about the work they do to make a difference to women’s lives.

Shannon Fentiman MP – Minister for Communities, Women and Youth, Minister for Child Safety, Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Member for Waterford reminded us that the gender pay gap is still alive and well, with woman being paid, on average, 17% less than men. I thought of a recent conversation I’d had with a young and inspiring female manager I work with about pay rates and how Steven has, at times, been paid three times what I earn. Currently it’s much more equal, as now he’s only paid twice what I earn! My young colleague is experiencing a similar situation in her relationship and is frustrated by it. Over the years I’ve been angry and demoralised about the pay rate … but  sadly I’ve become complacent about it. Steven and I both have six year degrees but he works driving business profits and I work with vulnerable people in a low paid industry where the workforce is 90% female.

herStacey Ross, the Manager for Logan Women’s Health and Wellbeing Centre, spoke with such energy and enthusiasm, about the work of the Centre and I loved the acronym she used “HER” – Hope. Empowerment. Respect. Just being around Stacey would give anyone a lift and I can see that she would inspire her clients and staff.

Tiffany Wann, Founder and Director of Outstanding Women Leaders, who will be one of the facilitators for BE Enterprise shared a very personal story of triumph over trauma and her motivation for working with women. More information about the Be Enterprise products below can be found on their website.

Valuing Your Voice – Empowering women workshops

Yoga and Meditation for staff and clients

The YOU Effect – School Programs

Professional Supervision – Counselling for professionals

Unleash YOU – Professional Development for Organisations

i-Care Consulting – Disability Support

Prior to attending the function I’d been working on the book about my friend who is a Forgotten Australian. I’d been reading and writing about how Bravehearts, headed by Hetty Johnston, had lobbied for years to have the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse established and I really wanted to meet her.  It was a serendipitous night, Hetty was at the function and Liz introduced us. Hetty has undertaken to have her legal staff read a draft chapter of the book and give me some input…. What a great result from a night out. Oh and did you know she’s running for Mayor of Logan, wow she has a lot of drive!

Flower PowerTo top the night off there was a silent auction and we came home with this painting “Flower Power” by Bev Miller. I love this sassy woman and all the sassy women I met that night. They reminded me that women’s work is never done and that I better stop being complacent.







2 thoughts on “Women’s Work is Never Done

  1. Megan 25/05/2016 / 2:38 pm

    Anne I reread this blog today and felt the same feeling of enthusiasm as when I first read it. I think it sad that we have so many inspiring women and the search for equity is still taking so long. To me it is about how we get these stories out to young women poised on the cusp of school and whatever comes next and hoping they too become inspired to make empowering choices and choices that make themselves feel fulfilled and valued. Choices that provide equity in employment, wages and proper work life balances. It is not ok to have to work a 40+ hour week at work and a 40+ hour week at home just because you are a woman. Women should be able to have it all and be happy in making those choices. I recently read Lean in and was taken aback by the simple but powerful message that equity in the home is as important as equity in the work force whether one is rich or poor. A message that is surprisingly hard to sell. I realise women who have limited education, self esteem or support do have fewer choices, however my hope when I read stories like this is these women too can be empowered to make changes and good choices for themselves and their families. Megan

    • Anne 29/05/2016 / 11:12 pm

      Yes there is certainly more to be done and lots of women to be inspired by!

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